Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What are the easiest tricks to teach mice to do?

and please don't say go get a dog or anything like that because im not allowed to until i move and mice are the only pets im allowed to have besides fishWhat are the easiest tricks to teach mice to do?
by hand each day. Cheerios or similar grain-based cereals work well for this.


Step 2

Give your pet mouse treats to reward good behavior and get the mouse to learn new tricks.


Step 3

Be consistent! Train your pet mouse for 30 minutes at a time. Any longer and the mouse will stop paying attention.


Step 4

Use the same word as a command and the same tone of voice every time you teach your pet mouse a trick.


Step 5

Teach the trick in small steps that are easier to learn. Be patient. Mice are smart and your pet mouse should learn quickly.

Teach a Pet Mouse to Stand Up and Beg


Step 1

Hold a small treat in your hand and show it to your pet mouse.


Step 2

Raise the treat slowly in the air.


Step 3

Say a command word like ';up'; as your pet mouse sits up to reach the treat.


Step 4

Wait until the mouse is fully standing up before saying the command word again as you feed the treat to your pet.


Step 5

Make your pet mouse wait a little longer before you give the treat each time you are training it to stand up. This will teach it to stand and hold the pose when he hears the command ';up.';

Teach a Pet Mouse to Come When Called by Name


Step 1

Sit by your pet mouse and say its name.


Step 2

Repeat its name several times while giving it a treat.


Step 3

Sit or stand a little farther away from your pet mouse at each training session.


Step 4

Hold the treat and show it to your pet mouse.


Step 5

Say the pet's name while holding the treat.


Step 6

Give the mouse the treat and say its name again when it comes to you and soon you can say your pet mouse's name from across the room and it should come to you.What are the easiest tricks to teach mice to do?

1- Hoop Jump

Make a hoop, that is pretty big- so that about 7 mice could fit through it. Hold it up and put it about a centimeter above the ground. Hold a treat on other side, and push them gently through and then give treat. Do again, but don't push them, let them do it themselve.

2- Sniff and Treat

In a little area in your house, clear out. Put small items, such as toy cars, small piles of socks, pens, wooden blocks, shoes, oatmeal boxes, books, and other things in the area. Hide treats behind or in certeain small items, and let your little guy sniff them out. Not really a trick, but it is fun.

3- Jump and Stand

If you put a treat only a centimeter or so above mice's head, they will stand, but if you dangle it from far up, they will jump. I have never taught mine, but I heard this is hard to teach. If they do it, praise and give treat.
You can teach them to come to their name REALLY easily.

I have two rats and they both do it, its so cute!

All you have to do is, say their name and hand them a small piece of food. Keep doing this over and over for a few days.

Soon enough they will link their name to the reward of food and so come when you call them.
Run around in a hamster wheel? Idk...

Go here:鈥?/a>

List of tricks and how to teach them
oh dude, if i had a mouse, i would build a maze for it. haha
Beg, come, and my favorite agility.
Sh** on your hand and bite you and other people. HECK YEAH.
eat and sleep..

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