Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What are good treats for mice?

I need to know good ones also for a nursing mum of 7 pups thanksWhat are good treats for mice?
My mice simply love cheerios. I'd say that they are the best (not to mention healthy) treats for mice. Mice can also be given most other non sugary cereals. Also most other fruits such as strawberries and bananas are a big hit. Make sure to give all fruits and veggies in small quantities at first as it can cause upset tummies! Treats and fresh fruit/veggies should never exceed more than 30% of their total diet. Mice also love (and need) complete protein. I have found that they love little pieces of cooked chicken, almonds, and turkey. Most people think that mice are herbivores, but in fact they thrive best on a diet complete with BOTH meats and other grains and veggies. It is proven that mice that live on a well balanced diet live longer and healthier lives. Other things like cooked rice, oatmeal, and soft bread seem to be appreciated as well. If feeding you mice meat (such as chicken) bothers you, other options include tofu (which can be substituted for chicken) or freeze dried meal worms that can be found in your local pet store. Just remember, all fresh foods such as fruits or meat should be removed after a few hours.

Hope I helped!

Good health to you and your mice,

SummerWhat are good treats for mice?
Peanut butter they can choke on. You can give half a chocolate chip, but not too often. It makes their already-way-too-fast heartbeat go up. It's not poisonous to them like it is to dogs and other animals.

I know rats are given scrambled eggs while they're getting ready for babies, not sure if mice are the same.
Almonds, pumpkin seeds, apple, cabbage stalk, oats.
peanut butter the good kind that's not on recall list try jiffy

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