can? most likely... how often do you have to feed yours?
what type, size is your snake.. how big around is the mid section...
quote from - python page;
How large of a meal are you offering? Even though they might be able to swallow a large meal, some snakes prefer smaller ones
will? that's different...
mine %26lt;%26lt;royal ball python, five years old%26gt;%26gt; eats six mice every two weeks... he came out of hibernation this year for three days in November and three days feb. because he was hungry.... but he refuses rats! in the summer he will eat up to eight fat, large little mice.... but rats?
I fed him one... he ate it... that filled him pretty well.. I went to feed him the next time? he refused it... I figured I was somehow wrong, and that he was not hungry... waited a week... put him in his feeding tank... and again he refused!... I got a mice and he was back to eating...
definitely try to give him a younger %26lt;hopper%26gt; rat if he is large enough, if he is always hungry... just keep in mind... the taste %26lt;for the snake%26gt; is as different as steak and chicken... may not want them....
good luck
thank you for taking the time to read this
have a great day
hope this helps you outMy snake can eat 2 adult mice?
a small rat!Dont go to big,if it can eat a large mouse than that does not meen it can eat a large rat
If the rat isn't larger than the widest part of his body, yes.
My red tail eats 2 adult mice at each feeding, we're waiting until he's a bit bigger to feed rats, as his body is still just a bit on the small side around.
what kind of snake do you have cause i would not start feed rats till it could eat four adult mice. because a rate is longer then two mice and alot wider, so if eat 4 adult mice then say fine.
yes he can and eventually if you forget to feed him he will eat you too..........................
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