Get a cat or use mouse traps. Poison is the cruelest as they have a slow and painful death from dehydration.I have mice.How do I get rid of them humanely?
Good that you did the nicest way possible. Good luck that they don't return.
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Home Depo sells live traps. You just put so peanut butter in it. When a mouse walks in, the door closes. Then you just release the mouse outside.
try sticky traps. thats how i got rid of mine. if you check the traps regularly you can free them from the traps before they're injured by pouring vegetable oil over the trap. it takes a steady hand %26amp; a strong stomach, but i think it's easier to stomach than killing them.
yes they eat the poison
You can get the council or environmental health department in, or you can use humane traps from a hardware/diy store or you can do what Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall in that river cottage programme did . He got a couple of white witches in. They lit candles and and asked the mice to leave....and it worked !!!
not sure how many you have but we live on a farm and they find their way in sometimes. What works well for us is
#1 we have a cat who is a great mouser!
#2 we put glue traps around where we know they frequent, so we catch them without poison.
#3 we stuff up their entries with steel wool %26amp; seal over it with plywood or spray foam insulations.
We have gone 1 full year now without any noticable signs of mice.
We choose not to use decon (poisons) bacause we dont want them smelling up the place. But, if you decide to use it, they will carry it back and feed it to their little family but be prepared for at least a week or two of very smelly living. ;o)
Goodluck, I know its annoying!
burn your house
get a cat--it's nature's way.
Thats gay, just kill the bastards. Maybe if you ask them nicely they'll go away. Call an exterminator.
call the pied piper?!
The rat poison I used worked for the mice. They ate it, but went elsewhere to expire.
Get a cat!
Be polite...ask them to leave!!!
Glue traps and then set them free.
yes they do eat it.or search for the pied piper of Hamelin!
You could get a non-venomous snake or two and let them hunt the mice. That could be fun. Let nature do it's thing.
sit them all down and explain that you are evicting them and that there is a nice field not so far away..I'm sure they will understand ..OR call in a firm who will rid these vermin for you (local Council) if you dont they will breed every seven days and leave dropping everywhere they are deased ridden things which can seriously affect your home and they chew electric cables causing fires stuff being human just clear them immediately
First of all send them a letter stating they have won an all expenses payed holiday to Jamaica but they need to be in London to claim there trip.
Now, when they leave for London with all there bags packed dreaming of the holiday there going to have... Change the locks
Problem solved
thats not humane! drown them. They say its like your at peace before you even die. That was how we got rid of one of our rats. Had to do it the viscious git.
There is no humane way to kill mice, think about it regardless of what you do you are likely to cause them pain, and as they cannot tell you how they feel how are you to know........ the gentler you are the more likely they are to return......Just buy a mouse trap and do it the same as evryone else.
invite my cat over,she is a great mouser! Try Decon:) IT works,i have used it before and.....bye bye mice pluse my cat helped:)
Politely ask them to leave your home and never come back again!!!!!!!!! This is the most humanely way!!
Breakneck mouse and rat traps are more humane than poison. Poison is a slow death, and the sick mice get eaten by owls and other predators. The poison enters the food chain and carries on killing.
Buy traps, bait them with chocolate or gravy on a piece of bread and leave them against the walls and skirting.
If you use the live box traps you have to release the mice about a mile from your house or they come back. Mice can also freeze or starve to death in them so check them every morning.
Hello. - Link:鈥?/a>
Have a great weekend! :)
close up all entrances in your foundation so you are not right on the mouse interstate. Close all the mouse diners -IE store ALL food in containors/cans metal prefered, sweep up the crumbs if you can.
Cats really are a deterent
Heck if you found your hometown without grocery stores, easy commuting %26amp; godzilla moved in wouldn't you move out.....
i have field mice in my house at the moment we live near trees
i get the spring mouse traps these work try and find out where to they are coming in and but these traps there they like jam, cheese and chocolate but i eat all the chocolate
it does work
those box traps dont work
If you are seriously looking for a humane way to rid your house of mice, the only option is live traps. These catch the mice inside a box-like structure so you can release them elsewhere, preferably somewhere far from any houses. People usually have mixed results with these. You could also just get regular spring mouse traps. They usually kill the animal instantly, by breaking their spinal cord. Just be sure to check them often.
You also need to understand how the other methods work in order to pick the right one. Rat poison doesn't cause dehydration, but instead it causes internal bleeding, until the animal eventually dies. MAKE SURE TO KEEP THIS AWAY FROM PETS OR LIVESTOCK-- THEY WILL AFFECT THEM THE SAME WAY. and treatment is expensive. Glue traps work by trapping the animal and waiting for them to starve to death or dehydrate. Can also be harmful for pets. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
my sister in law is soooooooooooo against animal cruelty she preaches constantly about animal cruelty she doesnt eat meat or wear leather or suede she boycotts all animal teted products so when her home was over run by mice she got 8 live traps went on holiday and came back to 7 starved to death mice! now if i was a mouse and had the choice id rather a quick snap of the neck than starving to death in a box no bigger than myself, if you choose the live boxes remember to check yhem regularly and if you do catch a mouse make sure you take it at least 3 miles from your home before letting it go or it will find its way back to you!
Get a cat!
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