rats,chicks, hamsters,gerbils, etc........ basically any small mammal or bird is on the menu.Can corn snakes eat anything except for mice?
mice are fun to feed snakes. watching the snake swallow them whole is awesome.
they are cannibalistic. you can feed them other snakes smaller than them.lizards are good for them as well. you can buy frozen or alive lizards and feed them. they eat also gold fishes.
It can eat lizards as well. You can make snake sausages by getting the skin to hold meat like regular sausages and grind up mice or lizards or anything to feed. It's gross but will work. Some reptile shops sell this but it's a little more expensive.
pinkies work, but stay with mice, if possible.
i've never been a fan of feeder fish, unless the snake is really small.
you could try pinkies or feeder fish dont feed it any insects though it could harm him
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